JFCC Leadership
Our board members are consummate leaders committed to addressing pressing issues in the Jewish world today, and dedicated to cultivating and sustaining a strong global and LOCAL Jewish community—now and for generations to come.
President, Lee Horwitz
Past President, Esti Barak
Vice President, Jacques Benninga
Secretary, Elizabeth Kassel
Treasurer, Roger Stewart
Executive Director, Phyllis Farrow
Rabbi Paul Gordon
Rabbi Rick Winer
Rabbi Levi Zirkind
Alan Birnbaum-TBI
Murray Farber
Robin Gross-Security
Saretta Gurss
Judy Haber
Ephraim Hadjis-CBJ
Hilary Levine
Paul Pierce
Carole Press
Leah Press
Mario Reposo
Richard Sorsky

Jewish Family Services
JFS/Community Outreach Director
Jeri Michner Horwitz