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A message from our director

The federation offices are now located at Temple Beth Israel, we are very happy to be here and hope you will stop in and visit us.

Many thanks to all of you for your continued support this year. If you have not made your pledge yet it is not too late. You can complete a form online, or call me.

The exercise class is now back in session on Thursdays from 11-12. It is very hard to plan our events right now and we would like to encourage everyone to refer to emails that are sent out every Friday and list weekly events. If you are not receiving them, please visit our website to sign up for them.

We accept donations in honor of, or in remembrance. When we receive these donations, we notify the associates or family of those being honored or remembered.

You can make your donation by;

  • calling the JFCC office at 432-2162

  • sending an email

  • going online to our Donation page here.

If you have any questions or suggestions or if you need anything, please feel free to call me at 432-2162 or email me at fedfresno@sbcglobal.net or using this contact form


Phyllis Farrow, Executive Director

Jewish Federation of Central California

Jewish Family Services

Phyllis Director

Phyllis Farrow

Executive Director

Jewish Federation of Central California

Jewish Family Services

Click to follow JFCC on Facebook

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