Descriptions of 2021 allocations
JFNA – Jewish Federation of North America
Umbrella organization to help support and sustain worldwide Jewry. Our community is focusing on HIAS, which helps refugees from around the world rebuild their lives.
JDC – Jewish Distribution Committee.
The world’s leading Jewish humanitarian organization that works to lift lives and strengthen communities, by providing life-saving care to those in desperate need.
MDA – Magen David Adom
With Israel under attack, MDA provides first responders, vehicles and training, as well as transportation to hospitals to save lives.
Akim Israel
Is the Israeli’s National organization to help people with intellectual disabilities and their families, using legal, community, and self-advocacy.
Kembo Wings
A youth movement in Israel for children with and without disabilities, providing weekly social activities.
Israel Independence Day
Yearly Yom Hautzmaut community celebration, marking the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948.
JFS – Jewish Family Services
Provides services and support for the Central Valley Jewish Community (Visalia to Merced) regardless of age, income, or synagogue affiliation, and to strengthen Jewish identity, build community, and fortify family life.
Interest Free Loans
To promote financial assistance to Jewish families in need by offering them a NO interest loan.
Yom Hashoah /CBJ
A day set aside for Jews to remember the Holocaust.
JCRC – Jewish Community Relations Council
to act as liaison between the Jewish community and our non-Jewish neighbors,
engaging in dialogue and clarifying misunderstandings, as well as sponsoring Pro-Israel speakers.
Jewish Studies
To endow a Jewish studies scholarship fund, to be awarded to Fresno State students who are enrolled in the Jewish Studies Program and who have completed at least two courses toward earning either the Jewish Studies Certificate or the new Jewish Studies Minor.
To provide assistance to Jewish students wanting to attend a Jewish camp.
NEW Cemetery
To help start a fund to be used to purchase a new cemetery for the Community, as Temple Beth Israel is running out of plots.
TBI Cemetery
Pays half of annual maintenance costs.